Wednesday 19 July 2017

Binary Options Review Uk Dating

Cara Menghasilkan Uang dari Opsi Biner Trading. Apa itu Opsi Biner dan Bagaimana Anda Menghasilkan Uang. Opsi biner adalah produk keuangan yang cepat dan sangat sederhana yang memungkinkan investor untuk bertaruh apakah harga aset akan naik atau turun di Masa depan, misalnya harga saham Google, nilai tukar USD GBP, atau harga emas Jangka waktu bisa sekecil 60 detik, sehingga memungkinkan untuk melakukan perdagangan ratusan kali per hari. Sebelum Anda melakukan perdagangan Anda Tahu persis berapa banyak yang akan Anda dapatkan jika prediksi Anda benar, biasanya 70-95 jika Anda bertaruh 100 Anda akan menerima 170 195 tentang perdagangan yang sukses Hal ini membuat keputusan manajemen dan perdagangan berisiko lebih sederhana Hasilnya selalu merupakan jawaban Ya atau Tidak Anda bisa menang semuanya atau Anda kehilangan semuanya karena itu merupakan pilihan biner. Untuk memulai trading, Anda harus terlebih dahulu memerlukan rekening broker. Pilih satu dari daftar broker yang direkomendasikan dimana hanya pialang yang telah menunjukkan diri mereka dapat dipercaya termasuk broker teratas telah Sudah sel Ected sebagai pilihan terbaik untuk kebanyakan trader. Jika Anda benar-benar baru dengan opsi biner Anda dapat membuka akun demo dengan kebanyakan broker, untuk mencoba platform mereka dan melihat bagaimana rasanya bertransaksi sebelum menyetorkan uang riil. Video Pengenalan Bagaimana cara Perdagangan Pilihan Biner. Video ini akan mengenalkan Anda pada konsep pilihan biner dan bagaimana cara kerja perdagangan Jika Anda ingin mengetahui lebih banyak lagi detailnya, baca keseluruhan halaman ini dan ikuti tautan ke semua artikel yang lebih mendalam. Perdagangan biner tidak memiliki Menjadi rumit, tapi seperti topik apapun Anda dapat mendidik diri sendiri untuk menjadi ahli dan menyempurnakan keahlian Anda. Jenis Keluhan. Jenis pilihan biner yang paling umum adalah perdagangan Up Down yang sederhana. Namun, ada beberapa jenis pilihan. Satu faktor umum , Apakah hasilnya akan menghasilkan biner Ya atau Tidak Berikut adalah beberapa jenis yang tersedia. Turun atau Rendah Rendah Opsi biner dasar dan paling umum Akankah harga selesai lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah dari harga saat ini pada saat kadaluwarsa. Di luar, Range atau Boundary Pilihan ini menetapkan angka tinggi dan angka yang rendah Pedagang memprediksi apakah harga akan selesai dalam, atau di luar, dari level atau batasan ini. Touch No Touch Ini telah menetapkan tingkat, lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah dari harga saat ini Pedagang harus memprediksi Apakah harga aktual akan menyentuh level tersebut pada saat mana saja antara waktu perdagangan dengan catatan kedaluwarsa dengan opsi sentuhan, bahwa perdagangan dapat ditutup sebelum waktu kadaluwarsa jika tingkat harga disentuh sebelum opsi berakhir, maka opsi Sentuhan akan Pembayaran segera, terlepas dari apakah harga bergerak menjauh dari tingkat sentuhan sesudahnya. Ladder Opsi-opsi ini berperilaku seperti perdagangan Up Down normal, tapi daripada menggunakan harga strike saat ini, tangga akan memiliki tingkat harga yang ditetapkan naik secara bertahap atau sering Beberapa cara dari pemogokan saat ini pilihan ini umumnya memerlukan pergerakan harga yang signifikan, pembayaran akan sering melampaui 100 namun kedua sisi perdagangan mungkin tidak tersedia. Bagaimana Langkah Perdagangan dengan Ste P Guide. Below adalah panduan langkah demi langkah untuk menempatkan perdagangan biner. Pilih broker Gunakan ulasan broker dan alat perbandingan untuk menemukan situs perdagangan biner terbaik untuk Anda. Pilih aset atau pasar untuk diperdagangkan Daftar aset sangat besar, dan tutup Komoditas, Saham, Forex atau Indeks Harga minyak, atau harga saham Apple, misalnya. Pilih waktu kadaluwarsa Pilihan dapat berakhir antara 30 detik sampai satu tahun. Atur ukuran perdagangan Ingat 100 dari investasi tersebut berada pada Risiko. Click Call Put or Buy Sell Akankah nilai aset naik atau turun Beberapa label broker berbeda-beda. Periksa dan konfirmasikan perdagangan Banyak pialang memberi pedagang kesempatan untuk memastikan detailnya benar sebelum mengonfirmasi perdagangan. Pilih pedagang Broker. No will Lebih berhasil daripada brokernya yang jujur ​​Trading dalam opsi biner masih belum diatur dengan cukup baik untuk dianggap sebagai alternatif investasi yang mapan, sehingga ada banyak operator yang tidak jujur ​​yang mencoba memanfaatkan pedagang naif. Catatan Jangan pernah berdagang dengan broker atau menggunakan layanan yang ada di daftar hitam dan halaman penipuan dengan yang kami rekomendasikan di sini di situs Berikut adalah beberapa jalan pintas ke halaman yang dapat membantu Anda menentukan broker mana yang tepat untuk semua broker jika Anda Ingin membandingkan fitur dan tawaran semua broker yang direkomendasikan. Penawaran dan Penawaran jika Anda ingin memastikan mendapatkan uang tambahan untuk diperdagangkan, atau promosi dan penawaran lainnya. Pialang deposit minimum minimum jika Anda ingin berdagang secara nyata tanpa harus menyetor Sejumlah besar uang. Demo Accounts jika Anda ingin mencoba platform trading secara nyata tanpa menyetorkan uang sama sekali. Halal Brokers jika Anda adalah salah satu dari jumlah pedagang Muslim yang tumbuh. Daftar Penyusun. Jumlah dan keragaman aset yang dapat Anda tukar bervariasi Dari broker ke broker Sebagian besar broker memberikan opsi pada aset populer seperti pasangan forex utama termasuk EUR USD, USD JPY dan GBP USD, serta indeks saham utama seperti FTSE, SP 500 atau Dow Jones Industrial Commodities inclu Ding emas, perak, minyak juga umumnya ditawarkan. Saham dan ekuitas individu juga dapat diperdagangkan melalui banyak broker biner. Tidak semua stok akan tersedia, namun umumnya Anda dapat memilih dari sekitar 25 sampai 100 saham populer, seperti Google dan Apple. Daftar ini Tumbuh sepanjang waktu karena permintaan mendikte. Daftar aset selalu tercantum secara jelas di setiap platform perdagangan, dan sebagian besar pialang membuat daftar aset lengkap mereka tersedia di situs mereka. Informasi daftar aset lengkap juga tersedia dalam tinjauan kami. Expiry Times. Waktu kadaluwarsa Adalah titik di mana perdagangan ditutup dan diselesaikan Satu-satunya pengecualian adalah di mana opsi Sentuhan telah mencapai tingkat yang telah ditetapkan sebelum kadaluwarsa Berakhirnya jangka waktu untuk perdagangan tertentu dapat berkisar dari 30 detik, sampai satu tahun Sementara binari pada awalnya dimulai dengan sangat singkat Kedaluwarsa, permintaan telah memastikan bahwa sekarang ada rentang waktu kadaluarsa yang tersedia Beberapa broker bahkan memberi para pedagang fleksibilitas untuk menentukan waktu kadaluwarsa mereka sendiri. Eksperimen umumnya adalah kelompok Ed ke dalam tiga kategori. Turbo Term Istilah Ini biasanya digolongkan sebagai kadaluwarsa di bawah 5 menit. Tidak normal Ini akan berkisar dari 5 menit, hingga akhir hari kadaluarsa yang akan berakhir saat pasar lokal untuk aset tersebut ditutup. Istilah panjang Ada kadaluwarsa di luar Akhir hari akan dianggap jangka panjang Jangka waktu terpanjang mungkin 12 bulan. Sementara lambat bereaksi terhadap opsi biner pada awalnya, regulator di seluruh dunia sekarang mulai mengatur industri dan membuat kehadiran mereka terasa. Regulator utama saat ini termasuk. Perilaku Keuangan Otoritas regulator FCA UK. Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission CySec Cyprus Regulator, sering lulus di seluruh UE, berdasarkan Komisi Perdagangan Berjangka MiFIDmodity CFTC regulator AS. Ada juga regulator yang beroperasi di Malta dan Isle of Man Banyak otoritas lainnya sekarang mengambil keputusan yang tajam. Ketertarikan pada biner khususnya, terutama di Eropa di mana regulator domestik sangat antusias untuk mendukung peraturan CySec. Pialang yang belum diatur masih beroperasi. , Dan sementara ada yang dapat dipercaya, kurangnya peraturan merupakan tanda peringatan yang jelas bagi calon pelanggan baru. Strategi dan Panduan Kami memiliki banyak panduan dan artikel strategi yang terperinci untuk pendidikan umum dan teknik perdagangan khusus Berikut adalah beberapa hal untuk mendapatkan Anda. Dimulai jika Anda ingin mempelajari dasar sebelum memulai trading Anda dapat menemukan lebih banyak lagi di halaman strategi. Signals and Other Services. Untuk membaca lebih lanjut tentang sinyal dan ulasan tentang berbagai layanan, masuklah ke halaman sinyal. Panduan Pemenang. Jika Anda benar-benar Baru ke dunia perdagangan kemudian menonton video hebat ini oleh Profesor Shiller dari Universitas Yale yang memperkenalkan gagasan utama tentang pilihan. Pendidikan untuk pemula. Tip Perdagangan. Bagaimana Mengembangkan Kemampuan Trade. The untuk menukar berbagai jenis pilihan biner dapat Dicapai dengan memahami konsep-konsep tertentu seperti strike price atau price barrier, dan tanggal kadaluarsa Semua perdagangan memiliki tanggal dimana kadaluarsa. Bila perdagangan berakhir, perilaku tindakan harga a Menurut jenis yang dipilih akan menentukan apakah ada keuntungan dari uang atau dalam posisi rugi out-of-the-money. Selain itu, target harga adalah level kunci yang ditetapkan oleh trader sebagai tolok ukur untuk menentukan hasil. Kami akan melihat aplikasi Dari target harga ketika kita menjelaskan berbagai jenis. Ada tiga jenis perdagangan Masing-masing memiliki variasi yang berbeda Ini adalah. Mari kita ambil mereka satu demi satu. Juga disebut perdagangan biner Up Down, intinya adalah untuk memprediksi apakah pasar Harga aset akan berakhir lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah dari harga strike harga target yang dipilih sebelum kadaluwarsa Jika trader mengharapkan harga untuk naik Up atau High trade, dia membeli opsi call Jika dia mengharapkan harga turun ke bawah Low Atau Down, dia membeli opsi put. Kadaluwarsa bisa serendah 5 menit. Harap perhatikan beberapa broker mengklasifikasikan Up Down sebagai tipe yang berbeda, di mana seorang pedagang membeli opsi panggilan jika dia memperkirakan harga akan naik melebihi harga saat ini, atau Pembelian a Put option jika dia mengharapkan harga turun di bawah harga saat ini Anda mungkin melihat ini sebagai jenis Rise Fall pada beberapa platform trading. Tipe In Out, juga disebut perdagangan terowongan atau perdagangan batas, digunakan untuk mengkonsolidasikan konsolidasi perdagangan dan berjerawat. Bagaimana cara kerjanya Pertama, pedagang menetapkan dua target harga untuk membentuk kisaran harga. Dia kemudian membeli opsi untuk memprediksi apakah harga akan tetap berada dalam kisaran harga terowongan sampai kadaluwarsa. Jika harga akan turun dari kisaran harga di salah satu Arah Out. Cara terbaik untuk menggunakan biner terowongan adalah dengan menggunakan titik pivot aset Jika Anda sudah familiar dengan titik pivot di forex, maka Anda harus bisa menukar jenis ini. Touch No Touch. This tipe ini didasarkan pada Tindakan harga yang menyentuh penghalang harga atau tidak opsi A Touch adalah jenis di mana pedagang membeli sebuah kontrak yang akan memberikan keuntungan jika harga pasar aset yang dibeli menyentuh harga target yang ditetapkan setidaknya sekali sebelum kadaluwarsa. Jika tindakan harga tidak Sentuh target harga strike price sebelum kadaluarsa, trade akan berakhir sebagai loss. A No Touch adalah kebalikan dari Touch Disini anda bertaruh pada aksi harga underlying asset yang tidak menyentuh strike price sebelum habis masa berlakunya. Ada variasi jenis ini dimana kita memiliki Double Touch dan Double No Touch Disini trader dapat menetapkan dua target harga dan membeli sebuah kontrak yang bertaruh pada harga menyentuh kedua target sebelum kadaluarsa Double Touch atau tidak menyentuh kedua target sebelum kadaluarsa Double No Touch Biasanya Anda hanya akan menggunakan perdagangan Double Touch saat terjadi volatilitas pasar yang tajam dan harga diperkirakan akan menghasilkan beberapa tingkat harga. Beberapa pialang menawarkan ketiga jenis itu, sementara yang lain menawarkan dua, dan ada juga yang menawarkan hanya satu varietas. Selain itu, Beberapa pialang juga menetapkan batasan bagaimana tanggal kedaluwarsa ditetapkan Untuk mendapatkan yang terbaik dari berbagai jenis, pedagang disarankan untuk berkeliling broker yang akan memberi mereka pepatah. Fleksibilitas dalam hal jenis dan waktu kadaluarsa yang dapat ditetapkan. Apps MobileTranslate melalui ponsel Anda telah dibuat sangat mudah karena semua pialang utama menyediakan aplikasi perdagangan mobile yang sepenuhnya dikembangkan Sebagian besar platform perdagangan telah dirancang dengan pengguna perangkat mobile dalam pikiran Jadi, Versi mobile akan sangat mirip, jika tidak sama, seperti versi web penuh. Brokers akan melayani kedua perangkat iOS dan Android, dan menghasilkan versi untuk setiap Unduhan dengan cepat, dan para pedagang dapat mendaftar melalui situs mobile sebaik ulasan kami. Berisi lebih banyak detail tentang masing-masing aplikasi mobile pialang, namun sebagian besar sadar sepenuhnya bahwa ini adalah area perdagangan yang berkembang. Pedagang ingin segera bereaksi terhadap berita dan update pasar, sehingga broker menyediakan alat bagi klien untuk melakukan perdagangan dimanapun mereka berada. FAQ Percobaan. Apa Pilihan Biner Mean. Binary pilihan berarti, meletakkan sangat sederhana, perdagangan di mana hasilnya adalah biner Ya Tidak ada jawaban Pilihan ini membayar jumlah yang tetap jika mereka menang dikenal sebagai uang, tapi seluruh investme Nt hilang, jika perdagangan biner kalah Jadi, singkatnya, ini adalah bentuk opsi keuangan kembali yang tetap. Bagaimana Melakukan Perdagangan Saham Bekerja. Langkah untuk menukar saham melalui opsi biner. Pilih saham atau ekuitas. Mengidentifikasi yang diinginkan Waktu kedaluwarsa Waktu opsi akan berakhir. Masukkan ukuran perdagangan atau investasi. Didesain jika nilainya akan naik atau turun dan letakkan put atau call. Langkah di atas akan sama di setiap broker tunggal Lapisan kompleksitas lainnya bisa jadi. Menambahkan, tapi ketika memperdagangkan ekuitas tipe perdagangan Up Down sederhana tetap menjadi yang paling populer. Put dan Call Options. Call and Put hanyalah istilah yang diberikan untuk membeli atau menjual opsi Jika seorang trader berpikir harga dasarnya akan naik nilainya, mereka Dapat membuka telepon Tapi di mana mereka mengharapkan harga turun, mereka dapat menempatkan perdagangan yang layak. Platform perdagangan yang berbeda memberi label pada tombol perdagangan mereka yang berbeda-beda, beberapa bahkan beralih antara Buy Sell and Call Put Others menurunkan frasa dan menelepon sama sekali Hampir setiap perdagangan Platform akan membuatnya absolut Ely jelas arah mana seorang pedagang membuka pilihan di. Pilihan Biner a Scam. Sebagai alat investasi finansial mereka sendiri bukanlah scam, tapi ada pialang, robot trading dan penyedia sinyal yang tidak dapat dipercaya dan tidak jujur. Poinnya bukan Untuk menghapus konsep pilihan biner, hanya didasarkan pada segelintir broker yang tidak jujur ​​Citra instrumen keuangan ini telah menderita akibat operator ini, namun regulator secara perlahan mulai melakukan penuntutan dan denda pelanggar dan industri sedang dibersihkan. Forum kami adalah tempat yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan kesalahan apapun. Pemeriksaan sederhana ini dapat membantu siapa pun menghindari penipuan. Pemasaran menjanjikan keuntungan yang sangat besar. Ini adalah peringatan yang jelas. Biner adalah alat penghargaan tinggi dengan risiko tinggi, bukan skema uang online dan harus Tidak dijual seperti Operator membuat klaim seperti itu sangat mungkin tidak dapat dipercaya. Segera pialang Beberapa operator akan menyalurkan pelanggan baru ke broker yang mereka ajak bermitra, jadi orang tersebut Tidak tahu siapa akun mereka dengan Seorang pedagang harus tahu broker yang akan mereka trading dengan corong ini sering jatuh ke dalam pemasaran cepat kaya yang dibahas sebelumnya. Cold Call Pialang profesional tidak akan membuat panggilan dingin mereka tidak memasarkan diri mereka dengan cara itu Panggilan dingin sering kali berasal dari pialang yang tidak diatur hanya tertarik untuk mendapatkan setoran awal. Lanjutkan dengan sangat hati-hati jika bergabung dengan perusahaan yang menghubungi cara ini. Ini termasuk kontak email dan juga segala bentuk kontak yang berwarna biru. Syarat dan Ketentuan Saat mengambil Bonus atau penawaran, baca syarat dan ketentuan lengkap Beberapa akan memasukkan penguncian di setoran awal disamping bonus dana sampai volume perdagangan yang tinggi telah dilakukan Deposit pertama adalah calo pedagang yang sah tidak akan mengklaimnya sebagai milik mereka sebelumnya. Setiap trading Beberapa broker juga menawarkan pilihan untuk membatalkan bonus jika tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan trader. Jangan biarkan siapapun berdagang untuk anda Hindari membiarkan akun apapun. Manajer untuk berdagang untuk Anda Ada konflik minat yang jelas, namun pegawai broker ini akan mendorong pedagang untuk membuat simpanan yang besar, dan mengambil risiko yang lebih besar Pedagang tidak boleh membiarkan orang melakukan perdagangan atas nama mereka. Yang merupakan strategi perdagangan terbaik. Perdagangan harian Strategi unik untuk setiap perdagangan Kami memiliki bagian strategi, dan ada gagasan bahwa pedagang dapat bereksperimen dengan analisis teknis adalah berguna bagi beberapa pedagang, dikombinasikan dengan grafik dan penelitian tindakan harga Pengelolaan uang sangat penting untuk memastikan pengelolaan risiko diterapkan pada semua perdagangan. Gaya yang berbeda akan sesuai dengan trader dan strategi yang berbeda juga akan berevolusi dan berubah. Tidak ada strategi terbaik yang dimiliki Trader untuk mengajukan pertanyaan tentang tujuan investasi dan risk appetite mereka dan kemudian belajar apa yang sesuai untuk mereka. Pertarungan Biner Pilihan Gambling. This akan bergantung sepenuhnya pada Kebiasaan trader Tanpa strategi atau riset, maka investasi apapun akan menang atau kalah hanya berdasarkan keberuntungan Sebaliknya, trader membuat aw Perdagangan yang diperdagangkan akan memastikan bahwa mereka telah melakukan semua yang mereka bisa untuk menghindari mengandalkan keberuntungan. Opsi-opsi pilihan dapat digunakan untuk berjudi, tetapi juga dapat digunakan untuk melakukan perdagangan berdasarkan nilai dan keuntungan yang diharapkan Jadi jawaban atas pertanyaan akan turun. Ke trader. Keunggulan Binary Trading. Dunia dipenuhi dengan sejumlah pasar keuangan, dan kemajuan teknologi memungkinkan setiap pasar ini dapat diakses oleh rata-rata Joe yang memiliki koneksi internet dan komputer atau mobile. Perangkat Seperti itu, mungkin ada beberapa kebingungan mengenai apa pasar keuangan untuk berpartisipasi dalam Forex telah mendapat banyak perhatian karena janji-janji yang terlihat di halaman penjualan broker forex dan vendor tampaknya menunjukkannya sebagai cara untuk menghasilkan uang dengan mudah. , Karena pasar ini memiliki beberapa kekhasan dimana para pedagang harus benar-benar di rumah dengan, banyak pedagang yang tidak siap telah melihat diri mereka berada di ujung pasar yang salah. Inilah pilihan biner untuk menyelamatkannya dengan uniq-nya. Ue set keuntungan dibandingkan bentuk lain dari perdagangan pasar. Risiko Keuangan Minimal. Jika Anda telah menukar forex atau sepupu yang lebih mudah menguap, minyak mentah atau logam spot seperti emas atau perak, Anda mungkin telah mempelajari satu hal yang pasar ini membawa banyak Risiko dan sangat mudah diliputi pasar Terlalu banyak parameter yang mempengaruhi hasil perdagangan sehingga pedagang harus bertarung dengan Hal-hal seperti leverage dan margin, berita acara, selip dan harga ulang, dll semua dapat mempengaruhi perdagangan secara negatif Inilah sebabnya mengapa Perdagangan pasar mata uang dan komoditas adalah usaha yang berisiko Situasi ini berbeda dalam perdagangan opsi biner Tidak ada pengaruh untuk bersaing, dan fenomena seperti selisih dan harga kembali tidak berpengaruh terhadap hasil perdagangan opsi biner Hal ini mengurangi risiko biner Pilihan trading ke minimum yang paling rendah Tidak seperti apa yang diperoleh di pasar lain, banyak broker mengembalikan sebagian kecil dari jumlah yang digunakan dalam kontrak pembelian ketika perdagangan adalah kerugian. Opsi biner memasarkan semua Ows pedagang untuk perdagangan instrumen keuangan yang tersebar di pasar mata uang dan komoditas serta indeks dan obligasi Fleksibilitas ini tak ada bandingannya, dan memberi para pedagang pengetahuan tentang bagaimana menukar pasar ini, toko satu atap untuk menukar semua instrumen ini. Hasil perdagangan hanya berdasarkan satu arah parameter Pedagang pada dasarnya bertaruh pada apakah aset keuangan akan berakhir dalam arah tertentu. Selain itu, pedagang bebas menentukan kapan perdagangan berakhir, dengan menetapkan tanggal kadaluwarsa Ini memberikan sebuah perdagangan Yang awalnya mulai buruk kesempatan untuk mengakhiri dengan baik Ini tidak terjadi dengan pasar lain Misalnya, kontrol kerugian hanya dapat dicapai dengan menggunakan stop loss Jika tidak, trader harus bertahan penarikan jika perdagangan mengambil giliran yang merugikan untuk Berikan ruang untuk berpaling menguntungkan Titik sederhana yang dibuat di sini adalah bahwa dalam opsi biner, pedagang kurang khawatir daripada jika dia memperdagangkan pasar lainnya. Kontrol Perdagangan yang Lebih Baik. rader memiliki kontrol perdagangan yang lebih baik dalam binari Misalnya, jika seorang trader ingin membeli sebuah kontrak, dia tahu sebelumnya, apa yang akan dia dapatkan dan apa yang akan dia hilang jika perdagangannya habis. Ini bukan Kasus dengan pasar lain Misalnya, ketika seorang trader menetapkan pending order di pasar forex untuk menukar berita acara dengan dampak tinggi, tidak ada jaminan bahwa perdagangannya akan terisi pada harga masuk atau bahwa perdagangan yang kalah akan ditutup. Keluar pada penghentian stop loss. Higher Payouts. The payout per perdagangan biasanya lebih tinggi dalam binari daripada dengan bentuk perdagangan lainnya Beberapa broker menawarkan pembayaran hingga 80 pada perdagangan Hal ini dapat dicapai tanpa membahayakan akun Di pasar lain, pembayaran semacam itu dapat Hanya terjadi jika seorang pedagang mengabaikan semua peraturan pengelolaan uang dan mengekspos sejumlah besar modal perdagangan ke pasar, dengan harapan satu pembayaran besar yang tidak pernah terjadi dalam banyak kasus. Untuk memperdagangkan pasar forex atau komoditas yang sangat fluktuatif, trader memiliki Untuk memiliki alasan E jumlah uang sebagai modal perdagangan Misalnya, perdagangan emas, komoditas dengan volatilitas intra-hari hingga 10.000 pips pada saat volatilitas tinggi, memerlukan modal perdagangan dalam puluhan ribu dolar. Ini membatasi akses orang sehari-hari ke tempat-tempat seperti itu. Pasar Namun, opsi biner memiliki persyaratan masuk yang jauh lebih rendah, karena beberapa pialang mengizinkan orang untuk memulai trading dengan serendah 10.Keuntungan Binary Trading. Mengurangi Kecocokan Trading dengan Trader Tentu-Banker. Pembayaran untuk opsi biner diperdagangkan secara drastis berkurang ketika Peluang untuk perdagangan itu berhasil sangat tinggi Meskipun benar bahwa beberapa perdagangan menawarkan sebanyak 85 pembayaran per perdagangan, pembayaran tinggi semacam itu dimungkinkan hanya jika sebuah perdagangan dilakukan dengan tanggal kadaluwarsa yang ditetapkan pada jarak yang jauh dari tanggal perdagangan. Tentu saja dalam situasi seperti itu, perdagangannya lebih tidak dapat diprediksi. Kurangnya Alat Trading yang Baik. Beberapa pialang tidak menawarkan alat perdagangan yang benar-benar bermanfaat seperti grafik dan fitur untuk analisis teknis kepada klas mereka. Ients Pedagang yang berpengalaman bisa mengatasi hal ini dengan mencari alat-alat ini di tempat lain pedagang berpengalaman yang baru mengenal pasar tidak seberuntung ini berubah menjadi lebih baik, karena operator dewasa dan menyadari kebutuhan akan alat ini untuk menarik para pedagang. Limitasi Pada Manajemen Resiko. Tidak seperti di forex dimana trader bisa mendapatkan akun yang memungkinkan mereka menukar lot mini dan mikro dengan ukuran akun kecil, banyak broker opsi biner menetapkan jumlah minimum lantai perdagangan yang bisa diperdagangkan oleh trader di pasar. Hal ini mempermudah Kehilangan modal terlalu banyak saat memperdagangkan binari Sebagai ilustrasi, broker forex memungkinkan Anda membuka rekening dengan 200 dan melakukan perdagangan banyak mikro, yang memungkinkan trader untuk hanya mengeksploitasi jumlah modalnya yang dapat diterima ke pasar. Namun, Anda akan menjadi Sulit menemukan banyak broker biner yang akan memungkinkan Anda melakukan perdagangan di bawah 50, bahkan dengan akun 200 Dalam situasi ini, empat kerugian akan meniup akun tersebut. Sebagian dari Kehilangan Trades. Tidak seperti di ma lainnya. Rkets dimana rasio reward risiko dapat dikontrol dan ditetapkan untuk memberikan keuntungan bagi perdagangan yang menang, kemungkinan opsi biner memiringkan rasio risiko-imbalan yang menguntungkan dari kehilangan perdagangan Dengan kata lain, trader kehilangan lebih banyak uang ketika perdagangan mereka berakhir sebagai kerugian daripada Mereka bisa memperoleh keuntungan jika perdagangan mereka berakhir sebagai keuntungan Diperkirakan bahwa untuk setiap 70 keuntungan yang berakhir dengan keuntungan, kerugian yang sama dari perdagangan yang sama jika kerugian itu berakhir. Implikasi dari hal ini adalah bahwa bagi seorang pedagang untuk memutuskan Bahkan, persentase pemenangnya harus setidaknya 55 Oleh karena itu, peraih lima trader dari sepuluh untuk mendapatkan keuntungan, hanya melakukan perdagangan dari sepuluh berakhir di red. Trade Corrections. When memperdagangkan pasar seperti Pasar forex atau komoditas, adalah mungkin untuk menutup perdagangan dengan kerugian minimal dan membuka keuntungan lain, jika analisis ulang perdagangan mengungkapkan perdagangan pertama telah menjadi kesalahan Skenario ini tidak dapat direplikasi dalam opsi biner pada saat seorang trader Telah menempatkan a Perdagangan, nilai ekuitasnya dalam perdagangan turun untuk mencerminkan komisi perdagangan yang diambil oleh broker Pembayaran pada perdagangan terbalik adalah tetap dan tidak dapat digunakan untuk menutupi kerugian dari perdagangan yang salah. Forex Forex vs Perdagangan Biner. Ini adalah Dua alternatif yang berbeda, diperdagangkan dengan dua psikologi yang berbeda, namun keduanya bisa masuk akal sebagai alat investasi Satu lebih TIME sentris dan yang lainnya lebih HARGA sentris Mereka berdua bekerja dalam harga waktu tapi fokus yang akan Anda temukan dari satu ke yang lain adalah menarik. 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Di atas adalah perdagangan yang dilakukan pada EUR USD membeli di bawah 10 menit jendela harga dan waktu Sebagai pedagang biner fokus ini secara alami akan membuat Anda lebih baik daripada contoh di bawah ini, di mana seorang pedagang forex spot yang berfokus pada harga sambil mengabaikan elemen waktu berakhir dalam masalah Psikologi ini dari Dapat fokus pada batasan dan sumbu ganda akan membantu Anda menjadi pedagang yang lebih baik secara keseluruhan. Keuntungan yang sangat tinggi dari perdagangan spot adalah kegagalannya yang sama dengan ekspansi keuntungan secara eksponensial dari 1 poin harga. Hal ini untuk mengatakan bahwa jika Anda memasukkan Posisi yang Anda percaya akan meningkat nilainya dan harganya tidak meningkat namun berakselerasi ke sisi negatifnya, kecenderungan normal bagi kebanyakan pedagang spot adalah menunggunya atau lebih buruk lagi menambah posisi kalah saat mereka figur. E itu akan kembali Percepatan dalam waktu ke arah yang berlawanan yang diinginkan menyebabkan pedagang spot terjebak dalam posisi yang tidak menguntungkan, semua karena mereka tidak merencanakan waktu ke dalam penalaran mereka, dan ini menyebabkan kurangnya disiplin perdagangan. Pilihan biner memaksa seseorang untuk memiliki pola pikir yang lebih lengkap untuk melakukan trading dari kedua Range Harga Y dan Rentang Waktu X karena batas diterapkan. Mereka hanya akan membuat Anda menjadi trader keseluruhan yang lebih baik dari awal Sebaliknya di sisi lain, mereka dengan sifatnya membutuhkan yang lebih besar. Tingkat menang karena setiap taruhan berarti keuntungan 70-90 vs kehilangan 100 Jadi, tingkat kemenangan Anda harus rata-rata 54 -58 untuk impas. 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At the bottom of OptionsXO homepage, a new company name and address appear Omni Global Solutions SRL Bucharest, Third sector, 17 BABA NOVAC street, ground floor, Bl G13 ,2ND entrance, Ground Floor, suite 45,District 3 Romania They don t offer any information about the role of this company, they just throw the name and address there Omni Capital LTD still owns and operates the website according to their homepage and Terms And Conditions The address in Romania corresponds to their Operations Center according to their Contact Us page. Is OptionsXO a Scam. On our first review of OptionsXO about 3 years ago it was unclear if they were a scam or not, which is why we have decided to make an updated review now For 2-3 years, OptionsXO remained frozen Completely frozen The brand was owned by one of the binary options pioneers, who managed to irritate many trade rs and establish an unfavorable reputation Under the new management and team of investors, the company has established itself as an up-to-date technology providers The new website is astonishing, really a delight for our eyes The support team over at OptionsXO finally came along with our demands and will resolve any issues occurred under the first owner Our team is also here to support and assist everyone who had trouble with OptionsXO in the past We still see complaints, therefore we urge clients to avoid managed accounts Meanwhile, we ll keep monitoring and re-assuring our readers they get up-to-date reviews and news regarding OptionsXO s upcoming regulation Update 3 2016 OptionsXO Have Officially Filed for CySec Regulation Update 8 2016 Still no regulation, we strongly advice to take caution here. Update August 2016 The website cannot be accessed from Central Europe and an Error Code is displayed instead This could be just a regional problem, generated by technical reasons but we hav e to remember that some of the brokerages that closed their doors forever, experienced this type of problems as well Anyway, when the website becomes inaccessible to users, it s a sign that the brokerage is having some sort of problems I cannot make any speculation, I am just stating the fact that is not accessible at the moment, from my location We will keep monitoring and will update this review if the website becomes accessible again. Editor s Note Why OptionsXO Doesn t Suck in 50 Words. OptionsXO have made a very impressive turnaround, and turned back time and time again Tech platform is a positive thing, some nice education materials, but that s about that. Why does OptionsXO Suck in 50 Words. Sorry, but their website looks like an advertising for a tropical trip It seems they are in the travel business, not financial they go over the top with beaches, waves, palm trees and women in bikinis. Should I Open an Account with OptionsXO. For a second I thought I had accidentally opened the 24 Option platform The design is quite similar, but this is no surprise as both brokers are using the innovative Tech technology I can t recall when we the first time I saw this design, probably in the early days of OptionsXO and 24Option Other than that, the website is beautifully built and well organized and all the needed trading tools are easily available, this being one of their strong points The new management has already filed for CySEC regulation, and as we all know, there s nothing better than trading with a broker awaiting for regulation Why you re asking Well, would you like to have complaint when applying for reliability certificate. The platform supports standard high low binary options, boundary, one touch and short term Expiry range from 60 seconds in the short term section all the way through end of the day, end of the week and even end of the month or longer for the most heavily traded assets Intraday expiry is available for most options They also have a great feature repr esented by the High Yield Options which allows the trader to achieve profits of up to 360 by using the Above Below function All this is thoroughly explained on the website with the use of a lot of pictures and examples. OptionsXO offer four types of accounts, with different advantages and extras For the standard account the trader needs to deposit just 200 USD EUR GBP like we mentioned but for the next type of account Silver , the minimum deposit account jumps to 2000 USD EUR GBP That s really expensive in my opinion and the sum keeps increasing, going as high as 10K USD EUR GBP for a Platinum account The advantages offered by the VIP accounts become obvious when I tell you they come with additional payout, up to an extra 4 for Platinum account holders, and up to 5 for Diamond VIP members. Update August 2016 The investment requirements have changed and are now much higher the Mini account has a 250 minimum deposit previously 200 , the Silver now requires 5,000 deposit previously 2,000 , Gold is 25,000 and Platinum is now 50,000 previously 10,000 There is no VIP account but it was probably replaced by the Platinum. OptionsXO Complaints. Looking for a new broker The first thing you should do is to look for complaints Round here, we do the research for you Searching for OptionsXO complaints didn t took us too long We see complaints dating back to 2013 read above and stretching all the way to 2016 It s not uncommon to see complaints, especially when it comes to long time brokers For that reason we ll focus on the later complaints Several clients complaint of misconduct business by account manager, most complaints are indeed solved by still a warning sign You can read more complaints right here, in the bottom of this OptionsXO review page. Update August 2016 Their reputation is starting to degrade People are complaining that they cannot withdraw and in some cases, only the initial deposit was returned, with the account manager claiming that profits were made by him so he dese rves to keep it that s mindboggling and I don t know what else to say. OptionsXO Bonus. Their first deposit Bonus is 50 and the trading volume is 30 times the bonus amount Other than the usual first deposit bonus, OptionsXO offer special promotions and bonuses but those are not fixed and can differ from month to month so you will need to contact them to get information about the current promotion Some bonuses come with time limits so be sure if one will be applied to your account or not before you accept it. Update August 2016 The bonus percentages depend on the amount you deposit but before making a withdrawal you will be required to execute trades to the value of your total amount times 20.OptionsXO Withdrawal. In order to withdraw funds, you will need to fill a Withdrawal Request and submit certain documents to confirm your identity, nothing different than anywhere else in the industry The minimum withdrawal is 100 USD, if you choose to do it by wire transfer a fee of 25 EUR GBP will be charged According to OptionsXO, requests are processed within 4-7 business days from the time they were received and pay to your account within a standard week of processing. Update August 2016 If the deposit exceeds 500, then the fees for withdrawals can go as high as 5 of the deposit. OptionsXO Extras. The High Yield options are a potentially profitable addition and other than that, they have a Blog that can be considered an Extra feature In terms of trading tools they have early closure, rollover and double up features to help maximize profits and reduce losses. OptionsXO Ratings. User Friendly 17 20.The website is available in 13 languages but the Terms and Conditions are only available in English and Russian the platform used is provided by Tech Financials and does not require any software download The platform is laid out well and tends to cater more toward short term traders than not but long term traders will find what they need here as well. Number of assets and expiry times 16 20. OptionsXO basket of trading products is composed of 12 indices, 20 currency pairs, 27 stocks and 4 commodities for a total of 63 assets The expiry times range from 60 seconds to the end of day, with the possibility of using tools like Roll Over, Double Up or Early Closure Update August 2016 They have increased the number of currency pairs to 27 but now they only have 8 stocks, a huge drop considering they were offering 27 beforemissions, Support and Effective return 17 20.There are no commissions charged for opening an account but a 25 EUR GBP fee will be paid if you make a wire transfer withdraw The support is pretty quick to answer and moderately helpful The effective return goes up to 89 and can reach an amazing 360 if you use the High Yield options The major downside is the fact that OptionsXO does not offer a refund Update August 2016 If the deposit is larger than 500 the fee for withdrawals can go up to 5 of the deposit. Deposit, Payment and Bonus 17 20.The minimum deposit amount depends on the type of account you want to open, starting as low as 200 USD EUR GBP and going as high as 10K for a Platinum account Deposits can be made via Credit Card, wire transfer and e-wallet MoneyBookers, Liberty Reserve, CashU, etc A Credit Card withdrawal cannot exceed the initial deposit amount and any sum exceeding it must be withdrawn via wire transfer The first deposit bonus is 50 and the wager is 30 times the bonus amount They also have special promotions. Update August 2016 The minimum deposit is 250 and the maximum is 50,000 The bonus is not fixed and depends on the amount you deposit but according to their T C, the turnover amount has been reduced to 20 times the entire sum. Website Extras 15 20.The High Yield options can become extra-profitable if used carefully Rollover, double up and early closure round out the extra tools for traders Plus, OptionsXO s webinar and education system is very impressive, and allows daily market analyses as well as daily webinars for trader s at all levels Another thing we liked is the OptionsXO blog, which has a lot of valuable information and resources. OptionsXO Overall Ratings 82 100.141 Responses to OptionsXO. i opened an account with optionsxo and i was winning most of my trades, then when you have made some good money they will then block your trades, so when you pull the trigger they block you and say the price is changing and this happens many many times i like to martingale if i lose a trade and they blocked me on that to i mainly trade 60 sec trades i spoke to them on live chat and also phoned there account manager but i could not get my problem sorted i had the same problem with 24 option but they sorted the problem out for me in less than half an hour please stay away from optionsxo. I am trading with optionsxo for the past 5 month and i never had any problem and i won a lot of money with them i have 2 good friends that trade over there and they never saw such a thing i do not like the support sometimes i try to call them and i do not get any response for a couple of hours. Dear Christopher, My name is Adam Wilson and I am a senior Customer Support manager at OptionsXO First I would like to thank you all for sharing your comments and feelings with us We treasure our customers at OptionsXO and are dedicated to maintain our customer s success and satisfaction In order to be able to further investigate your claim, I will need your full OptionsXO account details Please feel free to send the details to and write Support investigation Charlie Lloyd in the subject line I truly look forward to hearing from you soon and assisting you resolve any outstanding issues. Adam Wilson Senior Support Manager OptionsXO. Dear sir my account all ready activated and all document verified i am volume completed for 100 5days be-four 5th i am withdrawal requested for my fund but dill 10th date my withdrawal fund not coming for my bank account. more time i am try to you chat line but not response what happen sir please qu ickly send my payment sir. my user name shankarforex. Adam Wilson is only a call support on optionsxo He never help me when i ask him to solve my problem He always say, i ll tell your account manager to call you. the support was helpful when i needed it and a problem with my docs the call rep was very sweetand patient too. Dear you can help me I opened an account at your platform because I am a member os signalsbinary, and I needed a further sigbin recommended i trusted him I deposited days later an called John LOuis contacted me and offered me a riskfree trade and a 100 Bonus if I would deposit 200,- once more I did this because he said that this will be a secure trade and I could withdraw my money each time This happened at Christmas called me and chatted with me via skype and gave the instruction to trade with the whole amount because it is insured Trade was assured me, that I will get back my money after the holidays, wished me a Happy New Year and gave me no response until now, so the su pport and so the financal does your company work with such liar Of course I saved the whole proofs. I actually stumbled on your site by accident and ive been trying to get my money back from them since i started NO one will communicate with me and im so mad now i can only surmise my money has been stolen as i cant withdraw A DIME AND NO ONE WILL COMMUNICATE WITH ME TO EXPLAIN THIS SYSTEM im even going to cOntact Piers Morgan At Good Morning Britain if no one has called me by 12 midday uk time by skype i was Dealing with alex Stern im Not Happy At All and i will not give up on this Please restore my faith in your company Michael Croarkin. Christopher, I have the same problem with you When I won almost 1000 the blocked my trade with price I d changed for two days Then when I try to withdraw but I cancel it n start trading again, the target price always more far 0,5 pips than the real target price that appear before I take a position It s so bad And it s make me lose all of my money Don t e ver try to trade on optionsxo Ever. I had issues with them from the start I deposited 500 and i got a bonus After I spoke with the account manager they deposited another 6000 without my approval They the Broker was claiming that it was a misunderstanding and that I agree to that which wasn t true Transaction history clearly shows several attempts to get the money out first on 5000 and then on 2000 and finally on 1000 My card was maxed out so I demanded to get the money back After some discussion he convinced me that he can help me to get profit equivalent to deposit in a week and I will have all the money back That didn t happen It should have been warning for me already I couldn t get in touch with the broker after that They only called me when I requested withdraw Then my broker changed promising profit on high value trade with over a month expiry I was naive enough to believe in it He actually put the trade for me All the investments is gone and they never even contacted me to say an ything I m not sure if it is a scam or not Over last month i got to know better technical analysis and the trade they put for me was doomed from the start Monthly graph was showing Candles out of Bollinger bands for few consecutive months and they still traded in the same direction I understand risks in investing but I would be very careful with them There are better brokers out there. Optionsxo gave me a crocked broker I took money out of my account five different times and my broker cancelled my withdraw each time and made trades for me I did not ok each time I told him I want out and not to make any wore trades, I got ahold of his boss and told him this so he checked the Skype account and the phone records and sent a copy to the police that control brokers licences and they took his licence sways The company he worked for file a multi millio dallar law suit against he for laundering for his cliant I would like to start a class action lawsuit against him and the company he works for d o you have any advice on how I can do this If you have had this happen to you let me know so we can get together for this lawsuit Your truly Paul Collins. Ive been trading binary options for almost a year now and I had that problem in a few platforms too in options XO i didnt have this problem and actually made some money although its was hard to understand the broker they speak too fast. OptionsXO are my favorite broker, they always pay on time and their support is the best you will find in this industry They do have one minus and that is the 25 commission they charge for the 1st withdrawal of the month. I start trading with them almost a year ago with 25 deposit I m not a pro but I trade a lot I can recommend OptionsXO they really helped me to make money. I think your review is mistaking You say secretive and does not provide information about the owning company or the physical address of their main offices But they do have this info on their contact-us page DOLCE FORMULA CY LTD, Parthen onos 6, SMARAGDA COURT, 3rd floor, Flat Office 201 3031, Limassol, Cyprus. Very good Thanks for pointing that out It probably wasnt there at the time the review was written but it s a good thing they added their address and company details However, a google search for Dolce Formula Ltd doesnt return any results Also, their Operations Center address is the same as the address of a company named ICUGlobal Building 3, Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High Road London, W4 5YA, United Kingdom Check out their website I dont know man, but hmmmm. Those suckers started to manipulate my entry prices after I had had a good start. Pretty standard platform I trade on about 20 platforms I Don t see anything different to be honest all these platforms manipulate the prices Strange here not as much hey there service is ok. options xo is a scam like the first gentleman said, they locks you out when they realized you are becoming better trading its imposible to make money with them if the price change sign keeps poping up and i know for sure its deliberate. of course the price changes thats the entire point of trading you know i dontthink theyre a scam they were actually nicer and fairer than bank the binary and 2 other companies i worked with. This site add spread of 30.50 pips absurd because i have good trading, now all time i see option price changed, and when not i open position in the negative with loser. I dont believe more in this site. I ve had the opportunity to trade on this platform I experience this and they explained to me why this happens Since then I ve develop strategies to overcome this. OptionsXO Support Team. Thank you for your response. We couldn t completely understand what you discussed here Would you care to elaborate We d love to look into your case should you wish to do so. Please email. hello, the site solved problem with spread and option price changed for this in one day i win 2000 u i request a withdraw of site and optionxo sended the money from my account, Thanks. optionsxo is only good when you re investing money if you re winning most of your trades, they ll likely put spread so HUGE so in no way you can WIN either by pressing HIGH or LOW i have more than 2000 for withdrawal and when i tried to withdraw it is saying WITHDRAWAL FAILED it s been a day since i contacted support but until now, the same issue exist OPTIONSXO is NOT RECOMMENDED. withdrawal request through wire has been approved but withdrawal fee is 100 do you think it s fair i ve used different brokers but they charge only 25. 30 BUT this OptionsXO charged me 100 i have recorded a video on how they manipulate their pricing. Hello Botsog, i am trading with OptionsXO for a long time i scheduled with my broker that every end of the month he automatically sends me the monthly profit that we made and no fees like you mention. Thank you for your reply. We re very sorry to hear your bad experience with our chat support We have a brand new website and soon a brand new chat support We hope you ll find i t more effective now. For any further support, Please email. my own issue is my withdrawal request i requested for a withdrawal since Friday last week today is Thursday i have not seen my money what is happening please send me my money please today why all the message i sent are not replied why can you people help me finalize my withdrawal request please i have waited enough since 17-04-2014 this 24th-04-2014 tired of waiting. i call my Nick my broker almost 3 times a day, any time that i need something i just send an email and after couple of minutes i have a proper answer waiting for me. OptionsXO Support Team. Thank you for your reply. We see how you stressed the time factor in your case, and therefore we apologise for replying at a time that might very well be irrelevant now. However, we d still like you to email us and tell us about your story. Best regards, OptionsXO Support Team. After trading with Options XO and receiving numerous pushy phonecalls, my account has mysteriously been block ed. The contact form on their website doesn t work, my phonecalls are not answered and now i ve received an email asking for photocopies of my passport and numerous other forms of ID, which stinks of scam. I wish I d read these reviews before opening an account this is clearly a website designed to steal your money. why does it stink of scam if theyre sending money doesnt it make sense to check your details. OptionsXO Support Team. We re sorry you think that sending credentials to confirm your identity stinks of scam , but we assure you that every legitimate company conducts financial services only with people who can prove that their identity fits their banking credentials. Best regards, OptionsXO Support Team. I have been trading with optionsxo for 3 months already Of course there have been ups and downs but overall i earned a reasonable profit and i withdraw part of the profit every month The company is developing and getting better every day, now they also established forex trading functi on for silver accounts which i might use some time My broker Scott help me with trading a lot. Da, I gave my IP address by sending this comment I hope my ISP is smart. Further to our telephone conversation of a few minutes ago. There are some concerns to be cleared before I ll make any deposit to my OptionsXO account. I found information that indicates OptionsXO operates under a UK-based umbrella company that goes by the name Dolce Formula Ltd Is that correct Do you have a physical presence in any countries other than those listed at the contact us page at your website Do you have an actual physical presence at your London operations centre How many staff actually employed by Dolce Formula Ltd OptionsXO and based at that address Are you employed by Dolce Formula and based at that address.1 Yes that is true Dolce Formula is the company as stated on our website as well OptionsXO is the trade mark.2 We have physical presents only in the UK, the numbers on our site are used in order for our cl ients to be able to contact us VIA phone without making over seas calls.3 We are based in London and our whole operations is based from London, I do not know to tell you exactly how many people work here, I would say between 100 to 200.Why is Dolce Formula Ltd not registered at the UK Companies House As your physical presence is in the UK only, why is your website s domain registrant located in Romania Are any of the 100-200 people you mention employed by Regus UK, the virtual-office service provider located in the same building you give as your London office address. i am trading with optionsxo they sent me money twice but third time they never sent now there r upto 25days that i m trying to contact them but once a week they send me email that SIR HAVE PATIENCE please be aware about this broker because if u make profits then they r not gonna pay u i have screenshots taken of my withdrawal order and emails that they sent they don t resolve my problem then i will upload them. User Reported all issues are now resolved Case Closed. It s ten day I made request for withdrawal No answer Live chat is blocked, even if i entered from other IP, they don t answer my question They stole my money. i made a withdrawal req last thursday 7 7 14 and today monday i cant access to my account,,they have blocked my account and they r not risponding to emails i think they want us to deposit only and do not withdraw money lets see. is the biggest scam broker of all month i deposited 100euros and within one month reached to 735euros and then made a withdrawal request but after 2days of request pending my account was blocked they never responded to my emails and live chat is a bullshit that never functions after a week of account block they unblocked it but there wasn t any money it was all 0 00 what the f k then after contacting them multiplea times they responded Dear Sir Optionsxo has the right to neutralise any profits for any legitimate reason i have all their emails and screenshots of my every account activity i will soon upload all those stuff please get far away from these scammers after depositing money they never responds to ur emails never never. I did not have any problem trading with Optionsxo I dunno why others complain a lot about them. I have been trading for a couple of years now, and I belong to the school of thinking that, you should always work with a couple of brokers to get the best results I go t into working with optionsxo a couple of weeks ago, and so far so good The platform is pretty easy to get used to if you have experience, but they gave me a walkthrough of how everything works on the website as a first lesson to bring me up to speed In terms of profit, optionsxo basically offers the industry standard of around 80 return, with the highest being 86 Support-wise, the brokers they have there seem to know what they are doing, most of the advice I took from them ended up being pretty helpful There are some issues with logging in to the account, something with my password doesn t seem to work I spoke to th support team a couple of days ago, and they helped me sort it out All in all, I would recommend giving them a shot if you are looking for a good place to start trading. Derrick Johnson if they are not scam they will be, for sure, poorly qualified Their VIP senior broker destroy my platinum account this is the performance of senor VIP broker, you can image other broker skill s. Another question and big problem evening 02032015 6pm London time someone used my OptionsXO account and made 3 trades. Short Term High EUR USD 02 03 15 18 01 1,075 00 1 11790 1 11787 02 03 15 18 02 Closed 0 00.Short Term Low Nasdaq 100- Future 02 03 15 17 59 625 00 4467 125 4466 375 02 03 15 18 00 Closed 1,062 50.Short Term Low EUR USD 02 03 15 17 58 380 00 1 11773 1 11768 02 03 15 17 59 Closed 646 00.all these trades wasn t done by me it was impossible because on that time I was logged off from OptionsXO platform and sleeping before my night shift work. Please explain to me HOW at all it is possible I am shore 100 that no one know my password I don t understand and very disappointed. Thank you for your attention in advance. NO RESPOND FROM OPTIONSXO. Hi Andrius I am moving against OptionsXO in an official and legal pathway, share me your case and i will pay on behalf of you the solicitor fees and get your money back from such scam firm. Check with your broker i have an agreement with my br oker to trade for me when he have some good signals it looks like you made some profit, so probably same case. OptionsXO Support Team. Thank you for your reply. What you re describing here does not sound right at all and is very grave Please contact us immediately at to investigate this further. Best regards, OptionsXO Support Team. yeah agree Didn t encounter any problem by far too. They applied conditional bonuses that I didn t ask for When I phoned them up to remove the bonuses, they also removed all my winnings for that week Spend three months back on the forth on the phone but never rectified the problem In the end I asked for my account to be closed and deposit returned to me They did this but then charged a withdrawal fee Never got this money back either Mistake after mistake after mistake Stay well away from these jokers They also ring you up every month to try and get you custom back They really don t listen. i had a simller problem with the wrong bonus on 1000 when i asked it remove d after seeing it in my account they took it out correctly and solved the issue i had in my account within an 45 minutes. OptionsXO Support Team. Thank you for your reply. This sounds like a common misunderstanding concerning the rules applied to various kinds of bonuses Please email us at fur further consultation concerning our bonuses policies. Best regards, OptionsXO Support Team. Dr Mohanad Odeh. Here is the list of official facts support my words. Fact Number One While other firms and companies for Binary option trade are officially registered and regulated, OptionsXO is neither registered with the Finical Conduct Authority FCA-UK nor regulated by commercial gambling commission in Great Britain Their claims that Markets OptionsXO safe cap dolce formula investments limited is licensed By ASIC License No 424008 , FSB, 43906 and CYSEC are not trust worthy claims Due to two reasons 1st why they do not announce it on their official webpage 2nd hundreds of firms have similar regulated or parti ally regulated licenses nevertheless, the good reputable firm in UK should be regulated by FCA A Finical Conduct Authority FCA Check by yourself to make sure, ask the FCA authority or check their official website Moreover, ask any one in OptionsXO are you registered with FCA no one can answer you with yes Other reputable firms for binary options trade are registered with FCA B The Gambling Commission Some binary trade options Firms claim that such business is organised by gambling commission, OptionsXO are also not registered there You can make sure your self by check the official webpage or ask the commission and they will answer you. Fact Number Two OptionsXo employees can never show themselves, no clear information about who they are A good reputable business should be proud by its employee qualification and their strong CVs with strong approved records of good results, other Firms show themselves with confident and they are proud of their employee s certificates and experience If yo u trust a man stand in dark you will suffer nightmares. Fact Number Three They did not announce any partnership with a reputable body or organisation or institution Other companies and reputable firms make it clear in the 1st lines that they have X or Y as an official partners. Fact Number Four You cannot directly contact your account manager or your broker you should go through only one phone line, no extensions to account managers And for sure you will never get any mobile or direct contact to any broker within optionsXo firm Other good reputable firms make a clear and transparent contact with the customer. My personal logical conclusion approved by facts and evidence OptionsXo are operating dark business which will be closed down Moreover, it cannot survive in United Kingdom, even if their remote equipment s based outside of Great Britain If you are a current customer with OptionsXO you are at risk of being a victim, so act now and immediate, withdraw your money and move it to other tr usted firm Now and immediate now do not lose time do not lose your money If you are not a customer, do not waste your time, go and find a transparent Firm and a well regulated company. I m new to this but I have a huge concern Why are ID s required to prove who I am With all the identity theft this is a red flag Why would they allow you to open an account, deposit money, make a few transactions and then shut the account down holding your initial deposit ransom until they confirm your ID Should not the Credit Card info they have be enough. Can someone give me some insight into this. OptionsXO Support Team. Thank you for your reply. Attaining a client s credentials gives us proof that a legitimate transaction has been made between the company and the client Should any problem occur and or any concern from the credit card company back, we need credentials that prove the client s agreement to intrust his funds AND receive it to it s rightful owners. This is a standard procedure in order to keep the transaction legal and legitimate on both ends, and is necessary for us to have should and problem occur. For any further inquiries please contact. Best regards, OptionsXO Support Team. Initially I disagreed with the critics but did take a pinch of salt on what UI can see to be a balanced ranged of comments I trust them and had my 5 figure winnings plummeted to dust within 48 hours John my broker was reckless, and I believe he felt that he had the right to places large trades of 2,000 3,000 k per pop and he know I have given free reign to do so Coincidentally they also place complete restrictions in withdrawal of my hard won funds with the age olde greed factor conversation. What I cannot understand is that why wreck a good client broker relationship It may sound ridiculous but I sometimes just wonder if John is paid commission to lose his client s money with such precision. Now they probably have my number and IP address marked to not answer opr they have been shut down I cant seem to g et through anymore and I can t seem to access my account Is there a consumers affairs equivalent in the UK that would deal with such outrages this type of service providers, now knowing that they are not regulated as well. Try to speak to Mr Adam Wilson, he helped me out when i had problems with my account. I ve posted the following note on the Forex Peace Army website. Hello, Back in November 2015, I was laid-off from work and received a severance package Having a lump sum of money and wanting to invest it, a friend suggested investing into a binary trading company called OptionsXO I did some research online to make sure they were legit and didn t find any negative information My gut told me we should go with 24 Options trader instead but our friend talked us out of it We started communicating with Peter Shaw, a senior broker with the company, first by email then on Skype He seemed very knowledgeable and even used to work as a broker at HSBC Since his credentials were good, we agreed to wire him 20,000 USD to start with two guaranteed trades Unfortunately, the wire was delayed by a week by my bank because they too had some questions for the binary trader so we missed out on the guaranteed trades When the money finally arrived, Peter Shaw was able to guarantee us other trades which we did well, my account was now at 51,000 At this point both Peter Shaw and the accounting department began to get pushy asking for another 50,000 in order to do another guaranteed trade but this time a big one that would move our account to VIP We refused becahuse we didn t have 50,000 and we told Peter Shaw that we were in no hurry to become rich We preferred to use the money we had in the account and work our way up slowly He pushed so much that my husband asked for all of the money sitting in the account Later, Peter Shaw convinced me to do another trade that could potentially move us up to 75,000 in order to qualify for the big one One of the trades did well but the other didn t so now we ended with 44,000 in the account I asked Peter Shaw to return ALL of the money and he agreed This is when the story turns ugly Several days later I Skyped Peter Shaw asking when we would be receiving the money but we received no answer until he was showing offline We began to call him and the Support Center too but the answer was always, Your broker will contact you , Your broker will contact you We even asked if we could speak to his manager or a different broker Then all of a sudden someone was trading in my account Now my account was at 17,700 We immediately requested a withdrawal but the withdrawal was cancelled with no message explaining why We continued to call and send messages until finally the answer was, Peter Shaw will be calling you shortly I didn t wait for his phone call but sent him a message through Skype He responded but this time different, cold and calculating not like before chipper and asking for money He would only answer certain questions so I asked if we coul d have our original investment of 20,000 because just minutes before I checked the account and someone had been trading so the account was at 31,000 Peter Shaw responded no, there wasn t that amount in the account I proceeded to check my account again and it was now at 6,000 then in a few minutes it was 1,046 I asked Peter Shaw if my account was on automatic trading and he said no so then I asked if he was trading on my behalf and he responded yes Peter Shaw s last comments were I could recuperate my money by trading but I was on my own now Pretty bad broker, Peter Shaw, to have taken 20,000 down to a measly 1,046 Not to mention, what guarantees do I have if I continue to trade with them that my money will be returned since my withdrawal was cancelled This has SCAM written all over it and I will stop at nothing at getting my money back. i find it weird optionsxo customer care is here replying and acting as if they respond to emails or customers period when there contact info is all bogu s there online chat doesnt respond why do you think people haveto resort to writing bad reviews and blasting your company platform this has scam written all over it, shady brokeres who trade on your account without your permission or take money off your credit cards without your permission this reminds me of interactive options i havent taken any bonuses either so there shouldnt be any problems with my withdrawl and i have already sent all documentaion verifying my identity i want either all my money earned on the account or send me back my credit card deposits and wire transfer i will definetly keep everyone posted im going to start my own blog on this platform if i do not recieve my withdrawl i will stop at nothing. Noel Grant Ferguson. I started trading with OptionsXO in Dec of 2014 and in dealing with a broker Mark Brown who rang my deposits up to almost 18000 Can on one card Being nervios I eventually put in a chargeback on M C The apparent ceo called me and after many promises of s ome money back I agreed to withdraw my charge back I did a fair bit of trading on my own and Mark did as well I had placed more deposits on my account and I was sitting with 53,000 USD in wagered bonus money which should have been returned to me I had about 27,000 in my account and I decided to put in a 25,000 withdrawal The broker took it off saying I had to send them proper documents which I did I then put in my withdrawal request I got another call from an apparent CEO whose name does not mater as they do not use their real names They said they had some up and coming good trades if I removed my withdrawal I told them I would but kind of smelled a rat and did not do it My brother passed away several weeks later I was back in Ontario and got another call to remove my withdrawal as they had trades to make me major profits I admit At the time because of my brother I was vulnerable When they called I told them that mark had made some 60 second trades for 10,000, and lost a few I told the m I did not want those kind of trades and they assured me that would not happen I took off my withdrawal and checking my account a while later my account was down to 900 00 some on dollars all on 30 second loosing trades I put in another withdrawal of my remaining balance and the next trading day my ballance was almost nil I have proof of all that I am telling you so do not under any circumstances use these low life thieves I am sending to Cysic a report on this firm so they will not get there regulation which they do not deserve at all D. I wish I d have read your accounts before I signed up with optionsXO, only a couple of days ago and they have taken all of my money, all of it, I have no money left I don t call this trading, its theft It has left me very upset and distressed. I have acomplish with all the required docs at the startup and now Everything went great an I was trading normally winning and loosiong like a normal investment, but the avarage was good and the account was on po sitive margins very positive I read and heard a lot of bad expiriences, and I wanted to try what people was complaining about withdrawing funds so the problems started Spoke with OptionsXO fianancial Department that told me they would return my call in one hour 7 days ago I could not reach them anymore and there is no way to get my money back Even Luis how helped me on the trading can t tell me what s happening or the amount I should receive he only tells me that depends on the Financial Department Trying to contact Customer Service on the phone and wait for hours with no one answering I will now try all the forums to see if I can get some atention, as now one can answer me, there are no contact phones or emails on the plataform. Si if OptionsXO is not a scam, it acts as one and pretty well. They didn t let me start trading untill all docs were sent and verified by their department, but thats not the way they act if things needs to be done from their side You will put the money, trade, t hey will offer you more and more options, bonus and extras just to keep you investing more and more But once you need to withdraw, forget about it It s true what everyone says on forums PLEASE NOTE I did not loose money an the investing, money was good on numbers in the account and positive numbers just forget about withdrawing. Could somebody please call me back about my account other wise i have nothing but negative feedback i am sick of waiting on the phone for over 1 hour multiple times i have other things to do so call me back. First off I have no idea what I m doing but I invested 250 00 which ended up being over 300 00 because of the exchange rate But that s okay with me Must admit I was surprised lol Got many phone calls but it seemed always at the wrong time and they ended up waisting so much time on me that I actually feel sorry for them Hahaha The poor guy earned his money Why he didn t go nuts and tell me to go to hell I ll never know Must be a nice guy lol I read every one o f the comments and complaints and was wondering just what the hell have I got myself into Then I realized that I was prepared to lose my investment when I started When I was a teen a wealthy investor told me to never invest more than you are prepared to lose That was good advice After reading that the new management seems to trying to resolve all the issues I felt better but then I see there are some fresh ones I m wondering if I m going to have to cut my losses and move on or not At the moment I have nothing bad to say about them but I wouldn t blame them for saying something bad about me lol. consider yourself lucky They do a lot worse than that They withdraw money without authorization from visas and they do not return it They also refuse to return the balance of the money in the account Exercise caution do not give your visa numbers, they steal money and then ignore you They should be stopped. The self proclaimed very rich with a expensive car and a beauty model as a wife senior brok er Peter Shaw that will even offer to send you pics of all the before stated accomplishments is a abusive and unprofessional employee of Optionsxo and uses used car salesman tactics to convince you to deposit 10 thousand dollars to invest in a one in life time opportunity that as he states is fool proof and guaranteed sucess When you refuse to fall for his BS then he becomes abusive like a little spoiled school boy and insults you in e-mail calling you a little little little man that will be nothing in life first of all if we logically think this trough then why is this extremely rich person that claims to have all the perfect things in life have to use used car salesman tactics with pressure sales, if the deal is fool proof and guaranteed almost forgot he also said it was insured so you would never ever loose your investment then every person on the planet could actually go to the bank or borrow 10 thousand dollars and invest it with the self proclaimed greatest richest Senior Broker and make 7 thousand dollars with no risk at all This would be the answer to all of poverty in the world there would be no poor people, no middle class, we would all be rich and we would all be so greatful to Mr Peter Shaw for saving the world, we ll I hate to break it to you but Mr Shaw is just a self proclaimed Senior Broker that makes a living scamming people into investing there hard earned money into the Optionsxo platform with high risk Mr Shaw is not serious about the broker profession he is a scam artist in the industry of scams in the Internet Bottom line Optionsxo is not certified, not regulated, and the self proclaimed rich Senior Broker Peter Shaw proved first hand that they are not professional I would advise not to use this platform. Thank you Mark I invested 7000US with Peter Shaw He make me 18000 He was ok until he withdraw more money from my Visa without my authorization Visa block my account I ask for 5000 withdraw He invested all the money He lost 10000 I was not VIP a ny more, he stop talking and trade for me He get me new broker Sam I been fool to invested hard earned money like you say Mark I will never trust Optionsxo They ruined me financially and emotionally They getting rich from trusting people like me. Hi I would like to close my account and get a Norris was my Broker but he is not answering my calls anymore My user name is moonshinebandit I would like to talk to someone at Optionsxo to get more information on how to close my account William Douglas. Blame myself didn t do any research before invest my money into OptionsXO the broker Paul Harris just keep on asking me top up my account amount for whatever reasons However, after I rejected him, he missing I did request for a withdraw since 13th Jun, till now still under pending Wanted to check with the customer service, none reply After read all the comments I knew that my hard earn money just gone like that. good afternoon my experience with optionsxo is the following i couldn t log in for abou t two years after that i was allowed to log in again i still had my account and my money, so i have tried many times to withdraw, always unsuccesfully after several times i wasn t allowed to log in anymore please, advise if you can help me to solve this situation thank you luigi. I started trading with OpinionXO, they said they will get me a broker and when they did the broker told me he only works with big investments and that if i want to work with him, then i should increase my investment i traded without help and lost money i decided to withdraw the rest of my money which i did but was told it had to be accessed and i had to provide certain documents before they will release the money its been over a week and have not heard from anyone plus i have no received my money i email and no reply very disappointing and would advice that no one make the mistake of trading with this company. I opened an account on Friday july 22nd 2016 sent in all documentstion needed Till then Ken Tour called me several times a day Now does not respond to my emails. This is wrong taking peoples money I am not pleased at all. I want the matter dealt with immediately. My money stuck at optionsxo, when i submit to withdrawal and the system indicated server error. Hi I like to know if I can use this broker for millionaire blue print as a safe broker as far as you say it is new management but I still not sure if the my account will be safe for South African guy like myself. I submitted 250 only to find out that they deal with US 250, not the 250 in my country s currency Then they did nothing about my money I got frequent phone calls but I have told the Optionsxo initial contact that I am deaf and require communication only through email No luck I decided to withdraw the US 250 two days after the initial deposit To date, I have NOT received the money I have typed their live chat and have gotten no response. I was very frustrated with a over the top pushy broker tactics and decided the ethics at the co mpany was not what I wanted to be associated with and decided to put in a request to withdrawal all funds It has now been 2 weeks and no sign of my funds As a matter of fact I think my calls have now been blocked. See my latest conversation I recorded below. Topic Hi anyone online for me A representative will be connected, please be patient Jamie Andrews enters the chatroom Jamie Andrews 5 03 04 PM Hello Neill, my name is Jamie Andrews, how may I help you Neill 5 03 38 PM Hi Jamie please check my withdrawal status I put in the request 4 August and to date it shows as pending Cheers Jamie Jamie Andrews 5 09 37 PM sure pelase wait while I verify please Neill 5 09 51 PM Ok Thanks Jamie Andrews 5 14 09 PM so normally it takes 2 to 5 business days however I will inform my department about this in order to resolve it Neill 5 15 04 PM Thanks for that Please check and let me know the outcome I will stay online for you Jamie Andrews 5 17 41 PM that is not necessary I will inform them and they wil l take care of this matter as soon as possible Neill 5 18 21 PM I would like to know the expected payment date I believe it is necessary Jamie Jamie Andrews 5 26 54 PM I have forwarded your enquiry Neill 5 27 21 PM Thanks payment date Jamie Andrews 5 29 14 PM the broker tried to contact to contact you to speak about this matter a couple of times however there was no answer he will contact you again to speak about this Neill 5 30 12 PM Do not want to speak to the broker who is absolutely rude Please advise my expected payout date before I escalate this I have spoken to the broker on the 4th I advised him of this Expected pay out date please Jamie Andrews 5 31 54 PM sir, I informed the department of this matter and they will deal with this issue Neill 5 33 39 PM Please advise my expected payout date If not give me a contact number and person responsible for the payout and I will take from there Also include contact details the Manager in Accounts I need to know is accountable and respons ible here This is why people mistrust this system is such a big way I keenly await your response Jamie Andrews 5 35 07 PM in what way was the broker rude Neill 5 35 32 PM Not the issue here The issue is I need to know the expected payout date Jamie Andrews 5 35 32 PM I can inform the broker s manager and ask to reassign you to a different broker Neill 5 36 02 PM NO PAY OUT THE FUNDS NOW Jamie Andrews 5 37 42 PM sir, I m only responsible for support, I don t have access to finance I m sorry I can only inform you that I have forwarded this issue to my department and they will deal with it Neill 5 40 56 PM That s OK me the contact details of Accounts I was hoping on support to assist me obviously not the case Hi Jamie advise the details of the manager in your Accounts department Please be mindful that this whole conversation is on record and I am happy to share Jamie Andrews 5 56 59 PM This conversation is recorded from our end as well so you have nothing to worry about Neill 5 57 07 PM H i Jamie OK refer me to your manager please Jamie Andrews 5 57 07 PM your broker will contact you soon Neill 5 57 41 PM I DO NOT WANT TO SPEAK TO THE BROKER refer me to your manager Jamie Andrews 5 58 36 PM I have forwarded your request to my manager directly you will be contacted Neill 5 59 22 PM NO I DO NOT WANT TO SPEAK TO THE BROKER what is so difficult to understand I need to speak to accounts Jamie Andrews 6 02 31 PM are you referring to your account manager Neill 6 03 13 PM NO Accounts means money Your Accounts department what is so difficult to understand here Jamie Andrews 6 15 00 PM Neil you will be contacted today not by a broker, by a manager and will sort this situation out I m really sorry, I m trying to help you as best I can Neill 6 36 33 PM I appreciate that I have not been called as yet Jamie I am waiting no one has called me and you have not yet given me the payout date Jamie Andrews 6 53 15 PM I m really sorry Neil I am not in charge with the finance department so I cannot give you such information as I do not establish the date and really do not want to misinform you in any way Neill 7 13 19 PM That s OK give me a contact name number and email address Jamie Andrews 7 37 42 PM Neil, you can contact Neill 7 59 30 PM No One has called me as yet Jamie Andrews 8 01 14 PM during this day you shall receive a call back The representative has left the conversation If you have further questions please leave a message Leave message Thank you. To date no response from any of the guys I am still waiting and believe I will not see my money. THIS NEEDS TO STOP I will be keen to hear from anyone who can point me in the direction to get this type of behavior reported. Here is something to consider. I opened the account I felt pushed and shoved by a bully broker so decided these guys are not for me. I subsequently requested a withdrawal and eventually After 2 weeks my withdrawal was approved by this same bully broker called Bruno not sure he has given his real problem is Bruno only approved my withdrawal on my initial deposit I made The profits of trade he claimed as his and said he was the one who managed to get the profits so he will keep it If this is not THEFT not sure what you will call it. Beware these guys. Since they are not regulated, you cannot benefit from support from a regulatory watchdog And they are from Marshall Islands so it will be tough to get there in person well, i dont know where you re from You could visit and file a complaint there Also, spread the story as much as possible our forum, other forums, etc. I deposited 250 on the 30th July then my husband contributed 750 on the 5th August after a broker named Dan stated that I could get a bonus which would increase my chance of making more money I was desperate to make some money However when he sent me a form to sign and I read the conditions I decided it was far too risky as even if I made a profit it would be a long time before I could withdraw any money and I was looking for a r egular income On 8th August I applied to withdraw my money and during the next week I sent in copies of both mine and my husband s ID To this date 9thSeptember and despite many emails and live chats I have not received a penny I am now getting the press involved in order to warn others about this company and does not pay out I don t want others to experience the same as me I have been unable to pay my rent which was due on the 4th September as I have no work at the moment and needed the money I am at risk of eviction within the next week but Optionsxo do not care I have made them aware of this several times I can t tell you how upset I am. I deposited 250 then 5000 and finally persuaded to invest 80K USD on the premise that I could withdraw my deposit at any time I was making great progress and thrilled with the results but when it came to trying to withdraw money, it never happened I could never contact anyone My broker disappeared and I was assigned another couple of brokers I then re ad this page and realised I had been scammed I was convinced I had lost all my savings I then contacted Winchargeback and they managed to get almost all of my funds returned I cannot tell you how relieved I was Thank you Megan, Rebecca and the team at Winchargeback. Can someone help me I have been dealing with wmoption optionsxo for a few months, everything they have done for me up until now has felt misleading and crooked I m certain I am being scamed This is what happened to me others seem to have the exact same story It all started a few months ago, I set up a wmoption account, than Nathan Jones John Williams Ken Tour set up the account as a managed account and Nathan made a profit for me and then without my consent they also set up an mt4 optionsxo account with my name and they also managed that account he said this was the way to make real money Than he made a large profit with this new account also, I requested to withdraw some money and was denied, and then they disappeared I tri ed to contact the company, but it was months before they responded to me And than months later the company contacted and said that Nathan or John or Ken no longer were with the company And they set me up with a new senior broker named Sam I did not like the way he was treating me so I requested to talk to an upper person, he had the CEO David Current Klein each time his name changes contact me and he told me that because of all the problems and because the required 3 months was done, that I could withdraw the 90k that was in the account He said they did not wish to hold my funds hostage I felt relieved So he than set me up with what he said was one of his best sienor brokers John L who would handle everything John than contacted me and said he was taking over management of my account He closed my wmoption account it still had open trades and transferred all the funds to the mt4 which I had no control over I told him what David told me about the withdrawl of account, but he than said I couldn t with draw funds because of trading volume even though David said cash accounts didn t require volume I tried to contact David with info he gave me, but all of it was invalid So I continued to try to work with John He managed my account for a month and made over 220k And than he dissappered I once again took over a month to get a hold of someone And than one day I got a hold of John, but he didn t remember me, he looked up my account and he asked why I ve neglected my account and was not trading I said its a managed account and you were supposed to be trading for me My account had even been blocked for over a month John said that I didn t have a managed account, I was mind blown and than he said that all the profits made by the manager are not able to be kept by me, even though I had a managed account I signed the managed account document He took away the rights to money 220k earned by the broker and told me that I have no choice but to trade a large volume that is almost impos sible to achieve by a customer without experience 100 times volume He than provided trading credits bonus of 220k 100 times volume needed and said that I would be crazy not to go ahead and that I had nothing to lose John said this was the only way I would have a chance to get my investment back I pleaded with him many times to please let me withdraw my funds and every time he denied my request I have asked countless times to withdraw my original investment 71k and was always rejected He has now been forcing me to trade to build volume of 100 times and it seems impossible But most recent my account has accumulated a negative balance -170k because of what I understood was a bonus credit they put in my account every broker I dealt with always told me that I could never lose more than my original investment The broker told me to trade and that I had nothing to lose but to try and reach the volume needed During this period of trading many of my larger trades were lost because mysteriously m y account would be blocked and only reopened once the trade had lost substantially I asked why my sell button wasn t working Now that the credit bonus is almost all gone and I don t want to continue and requested to close my account He is saying I owe them that bonus amount How can this be possible I was always told that I could never lose more than what I had originally invested Terms State The maximum loss that can be sustained by any customer is the amount of money paid by them to the company So please someone help me, this doesn t make any sense and I don t know what to do. I opened an account with Optionsxo I only invested a few hundred pounds initially but they were ever asking for money because what use is it in the bank, not making anything in there I was told they would make me rich I told them I don t want to be rich just comfortable I then invested more money so I could have a managed account I was lead to believe they did all the trading and just spoke to me once a week to l et me know how I was doing No the account manager phones and tells me what to trade on I don t like trading myself as it makes me nervous I had 47000 in the account I was then phoned by my account manager, he told me another analyst would be ringing me to do the trading That day he took my account to 134700 As you can imagine I was elated It was 5pm and I wanted to call it a day and really wanted to close the account as I had enough money I told him not to ring me anymore He said I had a wager of 10000 that was still outstanding and wanted to clear that So he told me to bid on a currency for 60 seconds for 15000 and that would clear it That did not materialise so he said we would have to make a correction By this time I really had had enough The next thing he had reduced my account to 34500 I felt sick Then the next day he phoned laughing saying that he would build it back The next 2 trades failed and I was left with 10000 This made me very ill and has made me a bag of nerves I cannot look at the trading platform and if my mobile rings and I think it is my account manager I just have an anxiety attack I have since been told that the analyst would have done this on purpose to make money for his company How could he be so right for over an hour then get it so wrong I now don t want anything to do with this company as it has now left me it debt. I have the same plight with this broker They insist that you put more and ended up losing all of it I really don t know if the account managers are good at what they do Stupid on my part trusting that they know what they were doing They are worst like a newbie Ended up in debt instead Account managers keep changing, they tell you they are more senior than the previous ones to get your trust Now nobody cares to call because I have no more money to put in For newbies who want to invest with this broker make sure you know how to trade on your own Account managers are there to sucked you in to putting money in to the market not for your benefit. I have been dealing with 2 brokers called Seam Adams and Robb Daniels Both were phoning a lot at the start and offering me trades after trades, when I was starting to lose money, I was persuaded by them to invest more money, which I would go on to lose it all I am sickened by the thought they couldn t care less about my situation and I feel very stupid for believing and trusting them.

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